Italian City Councils against
the Greenhouse Effect

Presentation of the AIRES (IARGE) programme

The AIRES (IARGE) project, in the form of a manual and software, has been proposed in Milan to take stock of the gaseous emissions responsible for climatic alterations, and to study viable solutions at a local level.

The project is organised by the Italian Environmental Research Institute within the Legambiente campaign "City Councils against the Greenhouse Effect", and is financed by the Ministry for the Environment.

AIRES (IARGE) is the acrostic for "Analisi Integrata per la Riduzione dell'Effetto Serra" (Integrated Analysis for the Reduction of the Greenhouse Effect), and is a programme which is to be organised directly by the Council engineers.

The programme is made available free in the form of a manual and software. The order coupon can be obtained from the Eco-counter for Energy Saving and Bioarchitecture in Aosta, or directly from the "City Councils against the Greenhouse Effect", Legambiente, Via Salaria 403, 00198 ROME, Tel: 06/86268354, Fax: 06/86218474.

In collaboration with
Ecosportello per il Risparmio Energetico e la Bioarchitettura
Valle d'Aosta Region, Italy

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