The Electric Water-heater:
some advice on how to better use electrical energy

Though not found in every home, its presence does not pass unnoticed. A widespread notion claims that consumption is less if one keeps it turned on constantly. There is nothing further from the truth. If the electric water-heater is constantly turned on, it causes a frequent request of electric energy in the course of twenty-four hours, in order to maintain the operating temperature of normally about 60°C.

Thus, every time the water in the boiler reaches about 40°C, the thermostat turns on the resistance to heat it again. Considering that hot water is needed in the home normally once or twice a day, it is easy to see how this constant reheating is useless. According to a study conducted on 1993 figures by the

Institute of Environmental Research - Italy, it emerges that the water-heater used in this manner is responsible for 47% of electrical consumption and 70% of the electric bill! Therefore, turning on the water-heater only for the two hours prior to using hot water involves a considerable savings. Even better is the possibility, at relatively modest expense, to apply a timer to the water-heater making it possible to programme it to turn on at the desired time, turning it off when not needed.


See also:
The Sun
The brigthest star

The Numbers of the Sun

Symbols and Deities

tied to the Sun

Greeting the Sun
10 Yoga positions for one's well-being

Wuriupranili, La Donna-Sole
One of the astronomical myths from northern Australia


an attribute of the universe

The Ordeal by Fire
Fire and Shamanism

The Cult of Hephaestus
son of Hera and Zeus whose forge made the arms and jewels of Greek Mythology

What is a Volcano

an important lap in the Grand Tour of intellectuals in the 1700's

Dragon's Heart

a correspondent's recollection of the flames in Kuwait
The Drama of Fires
In 1997, more of the world's tropical forests has burned than in any other epoch recorded by history: so reports the International WWF

Saving Electricity
in the Home: some advice on how to better use electrical energy

Home Appliances:
advice on how to better use electric energy

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Ecosportello per il Risparmio Energetico e la Bioarchitettura
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